Saturday, January 31, 2009

Benefit:-Enjoying Life :- Meeting Emergencies

Enjoying Life
****Like most other people, enjoyment of life is probably important to your personal wellness. But what if you are too tired most days to participate in activities you really enjoy? Regular physical activity results in physical fitness which is the key to being able to do more of the things you want to do.

Meeting Emergencies
****Another important health and wellness benefit of activity is that allows you to be fit enough to meet emergencies and day-to-day demanding situations.If you are fit and active, you will be able to run for help, change a flat tire, and offer assistance to others when needed.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Benefit:- Feeling Good

Besides looking better, people who do regular physical activity feel better. If you are active and therefore more physically fit, you can resist fatigue, are less likely to be injured and are capable of working more efficiently. National surveys indicate that active people sleep better, generally feel better, do better on acdemic work, and are less depressed than people who are less active.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Benefit:- Looking Good

Do you care about how you look? Most people do. In fact, one study showed that 94 percent of all men and 99 percent of all women would change some part of their personal appearance if they could. People are most concerned with weight weighting too much or too little), the size of their waists and thighs, and their muscles, hair, and teeth. Experts agree that regular physical activity is one healthy lifestyle that can help you look your best. Of course, others are proper nutrition, good posture, and good body mechanics.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Health and wellness benefits

You might not be concerned with the fact that physical activity has been shown to be effective in treating various illness or in preventing them. You might assume that since illness and disease are most common later in life, you don't have to worry about them now. You might even share a comman attitude of many teenagers that "Iam young and healthy; it can't happen to me." But evidence indicates that the disease process begins early in life. Adopting healthy lifestyles such as regular physical activity can do much to prevent illness.

The benefits derived from physical activity do not only help you later in life. Many benefits are ones you can enjoy now. These benefits include those associated with wellnwss such as looking good, feeling good, meeting emergencies, and being physically fit. The active people in the picture enjoy these benefits.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Health and Wellness

Health is a word often associated with good fitness; it refers to "the state of optimal physical, mental, and social well being". Early definitions of health focussed on illness. The first medical doctors concentrated on helping sick people get well; they treated illnesses. Health was nothing more than an absence of disease. But as medical and public health experts received better training, they began to focus on the prevention of illness or disease as well as on the treatment. This new focus led world health leaders to define health as more than absence from disease.

In recent years the definition of health has been expanded to include wellness, a state of being that enables you to reach your fullest potential. It includes your intellectual, social, emotipnal, physical, and spiritual health. Wellness has to do with feeling good about yourself and with having goals and purposes in life.Wellness is more likely to be present in individuals who assume more responsibility for their own health. So illness is the "negative" component of health that we want to treat or prevent, and wellness is the "positive" component of health that we want to promote.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Physical fitness!!!

Physical fitness!! What is it?? Do you need it? and how can you achieve it?As you read this blog, you will find answer to these questions and many more. This blog will help you decide what kinds of physical activities you need and help you develop a personal fitness plan for getting fit on your own. You will learn about the benefits of being fit.

Physical fitness simply is the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently.Being efficient means being able to do daily activities with the least amount of effort. A fit person is able to carry out the typical activities of living such as work and still have enough energy and vigor to respond to emergency situations and to enjoy leisure time activities.

As a child you probably were very active and thought little, if any, of improving or maintaining your fitness. However, as you get older you most likely will be less active and will need to develop a plan for regular physical activity. But geting fit and staying fit can be fun. The activities you choose can be those that you like doing best and those that are best for you.