Saturday, March 7, 2009

Evaluate Fatness and Build

Being overweight because of a preponderance of bone and muscle does not have the same meaning as being overweight because of fat tissue.Quite often, an improvement in physical fitness is accompanied by a reduction in body fat.Even when exercise does not result in the loss of weight the amount of body fat may reduce.This is because the relative proportions of lean body weight and fat change.The stored fat in the body is reduced, and the lean body weight (primary muscles) is increase.
Body fat and lean body weight can be measure quite accurately in the laboratory.However, because of the elaborate equipment, complex procedures, and substantial time required to test each individual,these methods are not widely used.As a result, researchers have developed othermeans for estimating body fat that are closely related the complex laboratory techniques.Fortunately, simple methods using skinfold calipers are quite suitable for determining lean body weight and fat weight.

pHysIcAL fITnESS dEFiNed

Physical fitness is the capability of the heart, blood vessels, lungs and muscles to function at optimal efficiency. Optimal efficiency means the most favorable health needed for the enthusiastic and pleasurable participation in daily tasks and recreation activities.Optimal physical fitness makes possible a life style that the unfit cannot enjoy.To develop and maintain physical fitness requires vigorous effort by the total body.However the results are well worth the exertion and sweat required.
You might ask:Why di I need cardiorespiratory endurance? Or why do I need an increase in strength? The answer are the same whether you are a man or woman,It is foolish to live at your minimal potential.You need to have more than the minimal capacity for exertion to do your job and to meet emergencies.

Friday, February 27, 2009

~~~The Stairway to Lifetime Fitness~~~

sTEp 1: Doing physical activity
=>Think about the various physical activities you are involved in. If you are like many people your age, much of your activity results from community or school activities.You also have other opportunities to do physical activity, such as in physical aducation classes.

StEp 2:Getting Fit
=>Because geting fit depends on physical activity and exercise patterns, fitness is something that people often planned for you when you were young.For example, coaches prescribe exercises to get kids fit for sports, and physical education teachers plan activities to get or keep fit.

stEP 3: Self-Assessment
=>Before you can make good decisions about your own personal fitness and activities, you need to know your own personal fitness level.No doubt you have had your fitness tested before, but probably it was something someone else did for you, rather than something you did for yourself.When you learn you will have reached the third step on the stairway to lifetime fitness.

sTep 4: Self-Planning
=>When you have learned to self-assess your own fitness, you are ready to progress to self-planning.You use your own fitness results (a personal fitness profile) to help plan your own fitness and activity program.

Step 5: Lifetime Activity
=>When you are climb to step 5, you will have moved from the level of decision making and problem solving to the level of lifetime activity.This means you have learned WHY activity is important, WHAT your fitness needs are, and HOW to plan for a lifetime. You will be a lifetime activity participant.

step 6: Lifetime Fitness
=>You'l have moved from dependence on others to keep you fit. Thoughout your life, you will use the skills you learn to reevaluate your fitness needed to maintain your fitness.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Health-related physical fitness~~continue~~

Flexibility is the ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.You are flexible when your muscles are long enough and your joints are free enough to allow movement. People with good flexibility have fewer sore or injured muscles.

Body Fatness is the percentage of body weight that is made up of fat when compared to others body tissue, such as bone and muscle.For example, a person who weighs 100 pounds, of which 20 pounds is fat, is said to have a body fat composition of 20 percent. People who are in a healthy range of body fatness are more likely to avoid illness and even have lower death rates than those outside the healthy range.The extreme ranges are the most dangerouse; too little body fat; like too much, can cause health problems.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Health-related physical fitness

Think about the swimmer again.She probably can swim long distances without tiring. She has good fitness in at least one area of health-related fitness. But does she have good fitness in all five parts? Swimming does not guarantee that she will be fit in all areas of health-related fitness.Like the swimmer you may be more fit in some parts of health-related fitness than in others. As you read about the parts below, ask yourself how fit you think you are in each.

Cardiovascular fitness is the ability to exercise your entire body for long periods of time.Cardiovascular fitness requires a strong hearth, healthy lungs, and clear blood vesels to supply the cells in your body with the oxygen they need.

Strength is the amount of force your muscles can produce. Strength is often measured by how much weigh you can lift. People with good strength can perform daily tasks efficiently, with the least amount of effort.

Muscular endurance is the ability to use your muscle many times without tiring. People with good muscular endurance are likely to have better posture and fewer back problems. The soccer players in the picture need god muscular endurance.

The parts of Physical Fitness

When you see a person who is good at sports, such as the swimmer in the photo, do you assume that the person is physically fit? You might be surprised to know that this is not always true. It is true that a person who excels in sports needs a certain degree of physical fitness. However, being good at specific skills may not be a good indicator of total physical fitness, some sports require only certain parts of fitness.

Physical fitness is made up of eleven parts; five parts are health related.As the terms imply, health-related fitness helps you stay healthy, while skill-related fitness helps you perform well in sport and activities that require certain skills.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Benefit:- Being Physical Fit

Being physical active can build physical fitness which, in turn, provides you with many health and wellness benefits, you are likely to enjoy physical activities.

Don't be tempted to wait until you are older to begin a lifetime fitness program. If you don't have a fitness plan, begin now! You will enjoy the benefits both now and later in life.